Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Running Late...

How did you meet?- This is my favorite question
 to ask any and all of my clients that are, or have been in relationships. I like it because the stories are always different and some are totally crazy. It just proves that love can strike anytime, anywhere, and usually in a way you never would expect. 

My favorite story is about a girl at my work that met her husband
Just driving home from work one day, and they saw each other. She missed her exit to drive by him longer. He waved for her to pull over, and the rest is history.  I think this story is so rad  not only because, the freeway is a crazy place to meet, but because the life she lives now depended on what happened that day down the the second.

 If she had left work five minutes later. 
If he hadn't been running errands. 
If she hadn't ran a yellow light, if he had been driving faster,
 if she hadn't looked over, if he hadn't looked back, 
If she had gotten off on her exit.
They would have never known each other. 

Her whole entire life would be different. I don't know why, but I love thinking about that story. Every time I'm stuck in traffic now, something happens that causes me to run late, (or to run early...rare!!).. I try not to get frustrated. Sometimes I even smile inside and wonder what the universe could possibly be  up to . :)  

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