Saturday, April 21, 2012

A radom list of facts... an introduction of sorts.. possibly a warning!

 I'm young && old at the same time. 
I'm caring && thoughtful, careful && careless. 
I am hardworking && determined.
 I wish on stars && dream my dreams.
Not only do I believe in god, but I feel we are superly amazing good friends.
 I love everyone to some extent and others beyond any extent. ♥ 
 I am everything && nothing at all. I don't think I am better then anyone, but I also don't think there is anyone better then me. 
I believe in the power of laughing... 
I will never cheat on anyone.....again.
I know the value of my body and nothing and no one on earth could ever buy it with ANYTHING but love.. .. #priceless. 
I know I have a soul mate (Somewhere)
Gemini=I have a split personality- one of us is a really good person, the other one is a little out of control- None of us are boring. ;)
I talk to my dog (hip hop), and god on a regular basis 
^ I'm sure they both think I'm nuts, but seem to love me anyways^. 

I've loved and I've lost.
I am shy. 
I have learned to be creative,
I am still learning.....about everything.
I am not the leadership type.
 I am not the followship type.
I don't open up to people easily.
 I have never stopped loving ANY of the people I have opened up to.
I am who I am and what I am, because of god and or the people I know and have known.  
I am ridiculously, insanely, unstoppably,  Happy :)

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